Why atheists and fundamentalists are both idiots

Stephen Hawking is fairly sacrosanct among intellectuals. Really most people. As Homer put it, “the wheelchair guy” is Heralded every few seconds.

And probably should be. He’s a smart motherfucker.

But this article on Livescience.com illustrates to me why, generally, either extreme point of view is usually a little batshit nuts, and often fully batshit nuts.

Far left liberals are usually crazy (I’ve lived in the northeast all my life; I know of what I speak), and far-right conservatives are fucking crazy too.


The answer’s really pretty simple: Continue reading

Dead Butterflies: Exorcism and the thirst for the Unreal in a “Rational” world

There’s been a recent sem-glut of articles about the Vatican’s attempt to expand the understanding of the Ritual Romanum, or the rite of exorcism– read about it here.

In a seemingly concrete, [boldly overly-] rationalist society, why would we care? More to the point, why would MSNBC invest enough of their capitalist-based belief in your wanting to read about it, and why would the Vatican (who don’t publicize anything on anything, let alone exorcism of all fucking things) seek publicity about this area?

Are they asking to be mocked?


Those religious fuckers are shrewd. They understand branding. They know how to get Your Love back. Continue reading

The Cowardice of Irony

Irony is a bullshit facade, a pose designed to make you look sophisticated while you hide behind semantics.

Mean what you say.

RISK something. Put yourself out there. Actually have the Balls (or the Clit) to stand behind something, and actually fucking risk Having An Opinion. Buddha Forbid you should be VULNERABLE.

But don’t go so goddamn far as to qualify for Fundamentalism.

It’s a balance, motherfuckers. Life is not on either extreme. Continue reading